Sunday, February 2, 2014

A Quick and Easy Appetizer

I had a little card making party that I went to on Friday and I was supposed to bring an appetizer. Of course I totally forgot that I was supposed to bring an appetizer until around 2pm. Being Friday I was exhausted and so I started scrambling for something I can throw together easily.  My friend Melissa who was also coming to the party already went rogue and was going to bring cookies so I figured she wasn't the only one that was going to bring dessert and that I should probably stick to brining an appetizer. Normally when I'm at home I always make hot appetizers that require a little prep work so I went outside the box with Bleu Cheese-Pecan Spread

Once again of course I got it from the Food Network website. It only takes four ingredients, celery, bleu cheese, candied pecans and honey. I sliced the celery into about 2 inch pieces and then spread bleu cheese down the middle of each one. The recipe said to put crushed pecans on top of the bleu cheese but I just put two whole ones on each piece of celery and then drizzled the top with honey. I used blackberry honey from Snoqualmie Valley Honey Farms but I'm sure any honey would be fine and would taste just as good.


  1. Um, that sounds AMAZING?? I love the combination of bleu cheese and candied pecans - always yummy!!

    1. It was delish! Also healthy so I didn't feel like a pig eating 6 of them :)
